Participant Benefit Card
Participants enrolled in First Tee Programs and/or summer camps will receive a participant benefit card at the start of their session. This card grants active First Tee participants exclusive and complimentary access to practice and play outside of their scheduled class times at any of our 3 premier locations and our local PGA TOUR Superstore. Coaches encourage participants to maximize this opportunity to apply the skills and values they have learned in class, refine their game, and enjoy more time out on the course.

Benefits Include:
Belmont (Henrico):
- 1 medium basket of range balls per day
- 1 Little Bell greens fee per day
- 1 Belmont greens fee per day – after 10:30am
The Tattersall Youth Development Center (Chesterfield):
- 1 medium basket of range balls per day
- 1 9-hole greens fee per day
- Unlimited Discovery Course play
- 30 minutes each week on Trackman
Elson Redmond Memorial Driving Range (Richmond):
- 1 medium basket of range balls per day
- 1 6-hole greens fee per day
- 30 minutes each week on Trackman
PGA TOUR Superstore:
- 1 hour Practice and Play on Trackman each week
- Please call the store ahead of time to book time in the Practice and Play bays
Terms & Conditions
- Valid for current First Tee participants only (not valid for parents, siblings, or guardians)
- Valid for the season circled on the Participant Benefit Card
- Participants should be the ones showing their card at checkout to practice their Ask, Learn, Respond (ALR) skills in the pro shops or starter house
- If a participant misplaces their card, it is their responsibility to ask their coach for a replacement.
Youth On Course Memberships
The Virginia State Golf Association (VSGA) is offering a complimentary Youth On Course membership to First Tee – Greater Richmond program participants!
Youth on Course is a non-profit organization dedicated to opening doors, supporting dreams, and transforming the lives of young people through opportunities on and off the golf course.
Youth on Course membership provides members with access to play rounds of golf for $5 or less at over 2,000 golf courses across the U.S. and Canada!
For more information on Youth on Course and participating golf courses in Virginia can be found here.
Please note: YOC memberships are separate from the Participant Benefit Card afforded to First Tee – Greater Richmond participants which offers free playing privileges at First Tee – Greater Richmond facilities – Belmont, The Elson Redmond Memorial Driving Range, and The Tattersall Youth Development Center.